The history of our Alkira community originally began 35 years ago, when Jill was an exchange student for a year in Australia. She experienced the people as warm, welcoming, kind and optimistic.

Fifteen years ago Jill returned to Australia for training with Michael White’s Narrative Practices group in Adelaide. While there, she felt the incredible warmth and hope characteristic of narrative practices that prioritize social justice with the ongoing focus on understanding and supporting marginalized populations towards self and group efficacy and agency.

As she began growing what has become her dream practice, Jill found that the Australian Aboriginal term “Alkira”, meaning open and sunny, most accurately represented how she and her fellow Alkira colleagues view the therapy process.

Every person at Alkira naturally brings compassion, warmth, and hope in our relationships with clients and each other. We also share in the deeply held belief of working from a systems perspective, while at the same time valuing the gifts of each person’s unique individual selves. Prioritizing our connection with each other and our clients helps us create and maintain the best collegial and therapy relationships possible. This combination of warmth, hope, systems awareness, self understanding, connection, and efficacy based practices best describes our group. To really know what it feels like to work with therapists who care about each other and our clients, give us a call or send us a message!